Overview Have an idea for a thought-provoking conference session for the 2025 Colorado NAHRO Annual Conference?
The conference planning committee invites you to submit session proposals that empower more than 300 of your affordable housing peers to move from conversation to implementation. Share your affordable housing and development expertise and experience to make a difference in our state.
This conference is attended by affordable and subsidized housing and service providers, community planners, developers, public officials, construction, governmental institutions and nonprofit organizations. The conference planning committee is looking for informative and interactive 60-75-minute sessions in one of the following topic categories:
Advocacy and Policy;
Fair Housing;
Affordable Housing Development;
Community Development and Redevelopment;
Community Partnerships;
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion;
Family Self-Sufficiency;
Homelessness interventions and solutions;
Housing Choice Vouchers;
Leadership and Emerging Leaders;
Lessons Learned from Moving to Work
Operations Best Practices;
Professional Development;
Resident Services;
Safety and Security.
Crafting Your Session Proposal Session proposals should focus on current and emerging issues, best practices, and strategies to handle challenges facing the affordable housing industry. Innovative proposals are welcome so if you have an idea that doesn’t fit perfectly into one of these categories but would be useful to affordable housing professionals, please submit it.
Preference will be given to proposals that allow for lively, interactive participation among panelists and audience and link a variety of organizations, experience and backgrounds as well as geographic diversity.
Each session proposal should have a session title and session description (no more than 100 words), The description should include the purpose of the session, target audience, intended outcomes and learning objectives, relevance to conference, and identified panelists.
Logistics and Details Four people maximum may present during a workshop. This may be one moderator and three panelists or any combination of four people of your choosing. Identifying panelists at the time of the proposal is strongly encouraged. If you do not have a specific person confirmed in writing “someone from X organization” is the second-best strategy.
All proposals will be reviewed by a team of conference planning committee members.
You must be available to attend the conference in person on either May 14 or May 15, 2025 in Pueblo, Colorado.
Notification of proposal acceptance will be sent out in early 2025.
Industry vendors will be invited to present a session only as part of a paid conference sponsorship, and must have an industry partner included as part of the presenters. Sponsorship details will be available in early November 2024.
Questions? If you have any questions, please contact us.